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Manitoba Educators for Inclusion

MEI MEI is a Special Area Group of Educators (SAGE) in affiliation with the Manitoba Teachers Society (MTS). MEI provides professional development for Manitoba educators related to inclusive educational practi... Read More...
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Manitoba Association of Dance Educators

MADE MADE consists of teachers and artists dedicated to promoting and advancing dance education in Manitoba schools. We are committed to providing varied and valuable professional development for teachers in t... Read More...

Special Area Groups of Educators

The Special Area Groups of Educators affiliated with The Manitoba Teachers’ Society are organizations of educators in specific fields. They offer professional development, camaraderie and a forum to share ideas... Read More...
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Reading Council of Greater Winnipeg

RCGW RCGW is committed to the promotion of literacy in the city of Winnipeg and to improving the quality of reading and writing instruction. President Donna Hardman Treasurer Jon Sorokow... Read More...