MPSE (Manitoba Public School Employees) Blue Cross EHB Plan Amendments and Premium Changes

Effective September 1st 2018

Effective September 1st 2018, coverage under the MPSE Blue Cross Extended Health plan will be amended to add better coverage for Insulin Pumps and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machines, (C-PAP).  

These machines will be moved to the grouping of listed Medical Appliances under the Medical Appliances category.  This portion of the service category has a benefit of $1000.00 / 5 year period.  Previously these appliances could have been claimed under the ‘other miscellaneous medical equipment’ portion which has a benefit of $500.00 lifetime cap. 

This change was made in response to the increasing use of these machines and the offloading of some of the costs from Provincial Health to the insurer and/or individuals.   

Hearing Aid coverage was also amended to go from a benefit of $2000.00 every 6 year period to the same dollar value, ($2000.00), but over a 5 year period.  This more adequately reflects developments in the Hearing Aid industry and the apparatus itself.

As result of the aforementioned amendments and medical inflation, the MPSE Extended Health Premiums will be increased 1.75 percent effective September 1st 2018.

MPSE (Manitoba Public School Employees) Great West Life Group Life Insurance Premiums

Effective September 1st 2018

The Group Life Insurance, which, is mandatory for all teachers at a minimum of 200 percent of salary, will have a premium increase effective September 1st 2018.  

In 2017 the premium charged by the insurer, Great West Life, was $0.124 per thousand of insurance, though members only paid $0.11 per thousand, due to a premium subsidy. Effective September 1st 2018, the premium charge will increase four percent to $0.129 per thousand of insurance, and members will pay the full amount. 

The increase is contributed to the plan experiencing very high claims in 2017, as well as due to a long running premium subsidy being discontinued this September. 

If members have any questions or concerns, they can contact their Association President, or Association Employee Benefits Chair.

Or they can contact Glen Anderson, MTS Staff Officer for Benefits at 204-831-3052, or toll free at 1-866-494-5747 ext. 279, or