The Code of Professional Practice establishes the required standards of conduct for all members of The Manitoba Teachers’ Society, whether acting in an employed position under a Collective Agreement, or acting in an appointed or elected position. A member’s professional behaviour must reflect the spirit as well as the letter of the Code.(1)

Members are bound by the following principles and each Member’s professional behaviour must reflect the spirit as well as the letter of these principles:

  1. A Member’s first professional responsibility is to the Member’s students;
  2. A Member acts with integrity and diligence in carrying out professional responsibilities;
  3. A Member avoids involvement in a conflict of interest, recognizes that a privileged relationship with students exists and refrains from exploiting that relationship for material, ideological or other advantage;
  4. A Member’s conduct is characterised by consideration and good faith. The Member speaks and acts with respect and dignity, and deals judiciously with others, always mindful of their rights;
  5. A Member respects the confidential nature of information concerning students and may give the information only to authorized personnel or agencies directly concerned with the individual student’s welfare;
  6. A Member first directs any criticism of the professional activity and related work of a colleague to that colleague in private. Only after informing the colleague of the intent to do so, the complainant may direct in confidence the criticism to appropriate officials through the proper channels of communication. A Member shall not be considered in contravention of this Article in the following circumstances:
    a) consulting with the Society or the Member’s Local president;
    b) taking any action that is allowed or mandated by legislation;
    c) where the Member is acting in good faith and without malice in the discharge of the legitimate duties of the Member’s appointed or elected position;
  7. A Member does not bypass immediate authority to reach higher authority without first exhausting the proper channels of communication;
  8. A Member makes an ongoing effort to improve professionally;
  9. A Member adheres to collective agreements negotiated by the Society and its Local; and
  10. A Member or group of Members makes only authorized representations to Outside Bodies on behalf of the Society or its Locals. Without the express permission of the Society, no Members conferring with Outside Bodies may explicitly or implicitly claim that they represent the Society or its Locals.
  11. A Member upholds the principles and protections outlined in the Manitoba Human Rights Code, and develops an environment that is free from all forms of discrimination, hate, and oppression.

(The Society approved new Bylaws at its 2014 AGM. Bylaw IV includes the Code of Professional Practice that applies to all teachers who are members of the Society. Bylaw IV also outlines what constitutes professional misconduct and how the Code is enforced. The Society’s Constitution and Bylaws outline the remedies or sanctions that can be imposed against any teacher who violates the Code of Professional Practice.)