MB Teacher Fall 2024

Manitoba Teacher Magazine Digital Contents on Computer Screen

October 29, 2024

Fall Edition Available Now!

There’s lots of excellent reading in the Fall, 2024 issue of the MB Teacher magazine, so grab a cup of cocoa and get comfy!

Our cover story is poignant and inspiring, as Internationally Educated Teacher Sherry Khanna shares her lengthy, challenging and often heartbreaking journey to becoming a permanent teacher in a Manitoba school division.

It’s no news to anyone that teacher burnout is a thing, and Kelsey McDonald takes on the “self-sacrifice culture” in education with a very clear message: toxic guilt and hyper-responsibility put many teachers on the path to burnout and threaten to keep them there. She shares the reasons why educators are often built to fail, and that they need to see self-care as an essential part of their work, not something outside of it.

In our regular column “The Principal of the Thing”, Wayne Davies explores creativity in the classroom, and its essential role in nurturing optimism, contributing to Reconciliation, and inspiring student investment in learning. He also reveals how to recognize and banish the ultimate creativity killer: fear of judgement and criticism.

Finally, Jules Rocque, acting dean of the Faculté d’éducation at the Université de Saint-Boniface, took himself and his colleagues on a valuable but vulnerable journey. He launched a study seeking feedback from education graduates on how well they felt their courses prepared them to teach. Rocque takes us through the study, how he managed the uneasiness of some colleagues during the process, and what the data has to say to USB—and other education faculties—about the evolving needs of education students preparing to face evolving classrooms.

All this and more in the Fall, 2024 issue of the MB Teacher magazine!

Did you know you can receive a paper copy of the MB Teacher, if you prefer it to the digital version? Simply log into MyProfile at mbteach.org and select “Print” in your preferences. Your issue will be delivered directly to your home!

And remember, our top five featured stories are highlighted on our companion webpage MB Teacher Magazine and are shareable with your friends and colleagues through social media and email. If you prefer you can also view and download the MB Teacher Fall 2024 PDF.